
A Laravel Software as a Service boilerplate

Introduction to Larafast

Larafast is a starter kit for Laravel that accelerates development. It comes with pre-built features that include payment integration, SEO tools, an admin dashboard, a blog, user authentication, and landing page components powered by TailwindCSS and DaisyUI.

Features Overview

Payment Integration

Larafast simplifies payment setup with pre-built integrations for Stripe, LemonSqueezy, and Paddle. These integrations support subscriptions, product checkouts, customer portals, webhooks handling, order statistics, and subscription statistics.

User Dashboard

The user dashboard, powered by Laravel Fortify, includes user authentication with extended features like social auth and magic links. It supports login/registration, social auth (Google, GitHub, Twitter), protected routes, magic links, and multi-tenancy with user teams.

Admin Dashboard

The admin dashboard, powered by Filament, allows for managing users, blog posts, orders, subscriptions, and statistics. It includes features for user management, blog and article management, orders and subscriptions handling, and statistical analysis.


Larafast includes built-in SEO metatags, a sitemap generator, and services to enhance search engine indexing and ranking. It features SEO meta tags, Twitter Cards, Open Graph tags, automatic sitemap generation, and SEO-optimized blog and articles.


The out-of-the-box blog and article pages enable immediate content creation post-installation. Features include a blog page, articles page, articles management through the admin dashboard, and SEO optimization.


Larafast offers over 30 built-in themes powered by DaisyUI and TailwindCSS, providing many Vue and Livewire components to quickly build any page. It features easy theme switching and a wide variety of pre-built themes.

Choosing Larafast

Larafast supports two stacks: VILT (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, TailwindCSS) and TALL (TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, Laravel, Livewire). It is fully customizable and extendable, saving developers around 40 hours of work for every new project.