Qworum Boilerplate

A reusable starting point for web applications and APIs based on Qworum.

(Qworum adds new browser functionality without being a web framework. To learn more about Qworum’s contributions to the Web platform, visit the Chrome extensions section and the Qworum website.)

Greenfield SaaS

For new SaaS applications, this code base is a good starting point:

Structure your application as a Qworum API, allowing it to be called by external applications without the need for a separate API.

Your customers and partners will find it easier to call Qworum APIs compared to traditional web APIs.

Brownfield SaaS

For existing SaaS products in production:

Use this boilerplate to create a separate Qworum API, which is easier for customers and partners to call.

If desired, you can merge your application with the Qworum API over time.

Qworum APIs for Third-Party SaaS

You can build a Qworum API for a SaaS product even if you don’t own the SaaS product. To do this, use the public web APIs provided by the SaaS vendor. Happy coding!